A wind from the south has rain

A wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rain
A wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rain
A wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rainA wind from the south has rain